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Meet us at PARASITEC - Pest Control & Public Health International Exhibition

published on 08. May 2019

The Parasitec Exhibition 2019 takes place in Budapest from May 9 - 10, 2019.

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Topics: News, EU

Press release: Boost your trap! How to get rid of Asian tiger mosquitoes more effectively.

published on 17. Apr 2019

Moorefield, WV, April 17, 2019 - Asian tiger mosquitoes (Aedes albopictus) continue to expand their range in the United States and are problematic not only because of their aggressive day-biting behavior, but also as potential vectors of diseases like dengue, Zika and chikungunya. Homeowners often try to protect themselves from the bloodthirsty flying tigers with UV light traps, but the results leave much to be desired. Scientists recently showed how the number of tiger mosquitoes you collect can be greatly increased by adding an artificial human skin scent that is irresistible to the annoying little insects: the BG-Sweetscent. It was developed by Biogents, a German company recognized world-wide by mosquito specialists for their efficient mosquito traps. A team of scientists from Florida, Louisiana, and Germany tested the BG-Sweetscent with six different commercially available mosquito UV light traps. The study was published in the March issue of the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, one of the most important scientific journals for mosquito specialists. The result? BG-Sweetscent increases tiger mosquito catch rates in light traps up to 4.2-fold!

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Topics: US, EU, SEA

Press release: Catching mosquitoes like a pro: Scientists’ gold standard tiger mosquito trap available for home use.

published on 03. Apr 2019

Regensburg, Germany, April 3, 2019 - Scientists were thrilled when Biogents’ BG-Sentinel came out more than 10 years ago: finally, a mosquito trap that really catches yellow fever and tiger mosquitoes! It took not long, and the trap was the gold standard for mosquito pros in governmental organizations, the military, science, and mosquito control organizations worldwide. The unique design combines optical and physical cues with an artificial skin scent (BG-Sweetscent) to attract mosquitoes. And the trap now has a brother that is also available for home owners in the US: the BG-Mosquitaire is a rugged and good-looking version, designed for the continuous use in the garden and backyard. But do the two traps perform equally? A scientific study, just published in the open access Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association, compared the two trap types in California and Louisiana. The result: both traps are equally efficient.

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Topics: US, EU, SEA

Excellent BG-Counter Customer Feedback at AMCA 2018

published on 04. Mar 2018

The American Mosquito Control Association is the largest organisation of its kind in the world. The annual meetings of the AMCA are important venues for the field, where new developments are introduced and the latest study results are shared. In 2018, the Association met in Kansas City, Missouri.

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Topics: US, EU, EN